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Macular Degeneration occurs in 2 forms. These are "involutional" (DRY) which is age related and "neovascular" (WET). Both forms affect central vision causing loss of the ability to read and recognise faces. People with macular degeneration usually retain enough peripheral vision to care for themselves and remain active, but reading a clock, a street sign, the destination particulars on a bus even telling the difference between a bus and a truck is difficult without central vision.

Reading, driving, sewing and any tasks that demand fine visual discrimination require a healthy macula. Without it, the world is visible but only in an imprecise way. However, macular degeneration seldom leads to total blindness.



Macular Degeneration is characterised by loss, blurring or distortion of central vision caused by progressive deterioration of the macula, the small central area of the light-sensitive cells making up the eye's retina. A dark grey spot may appear in the central part of vision or the size of an object may appear different for each eye. It is the visual acuity which is most affected. 


Although there are no symptoms in the early stages, an ophthalmologist can detect the condition during a medical eye examination before the symptoms appear. Use of the "Amsler grid" at home can also lead to early detection. 

A person with macular degeneration can be helped. Cure Blindness Australia NSW recommends that a person with a family history of macular degeneration or any of the above symptoms contact the Macular Degeneration Foundation for the latest treatments on 1800 111 709 or


Cure Blindness Australia offers peer support on 1300 900 006.


Involutional macular degeneration is the technical name for what is often more simply described as
"age-related" because it is commonly associated with aging. What happens with age-related macular degeneration is that the macula progressively thins and dries that is, it progressively atrophies as part
of the aging process. Consequently, this condition is also labelled "dry" macular degeneration.
This involutional or age-related form is by far the most prevalent form of macular degeneration, accounting for 90 percent of all cases.

Why the macular thins and dries in some older people and not in others is yet not known, although two things appear to be fairly clear. One is that some families seem to have a predisposition to age-related macular degeneration, meaning that family members are more prone to it. If someone in a family has macular degeneration, an ophthalmologist should examine annually all family members over 40. Additionally, there is now clear evidence that smoking can contribute to the development and progress
of the condition.


At this stage there is no treatment for "DRY" AMD but diet can help delay the progression.
For details of helpful diets contact the Macular Degeneration Foundation as mentioned above.


Neovascular macular degeneration is also labelled "wet" macular degeneration because it is fluid from leaking blood vessels in the retina that causes the light-sensitive cells of the macula to sicken and die.This can occur at any age but is still more common as age increases.


Noticeable visual symptoms usually accompany this process. Straight-lines look wavy and later blank spots may appear in your vision. If untreated much of the nerve tissue in the macula may be killed or injured within a few weeks or months. This damage cannot be repaired because nerve cells in the macula do not grow back once they have been destroyed. Although only a small percentage of people with macular degeneration develop this form, they may make up the majority of those who suffer serious

vision loss as a result of macular degeneration.


Cure Blindness Australia recommends that you contact the Macular Degeneration Foundation for the latest forms of treatment on 1800 111 709.

There are several other diseases which are clearly genetic and in which the macula is damaged.

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